Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Cocaine
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Quitting is easy… when you know how
The most effective way of using Allen Carr’s Easyway.
Most addicts need just one seminar
Money-back guarantee (seminars only)
No bad withdrawal symptoms
No need for substitutes
Easyway doesn’t focus on the downsides of taking cocaine you know all about those already.
Instead the seminar answers the question ‘what’s so great about cocaine?’ – understanding that is the key to being set free.
Choose your Easyway to Quit
No substitutes or medications
The one-off seminar only takes 5 hours and online video 3.5 hours
No bad withdrawal symptoms
Money–back guarantee (seminars only)
Quitting is easy when you do it the Easyway
What is cocaine – and what happens in a seminar?
Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant that directly affects the brain. Cocaine was labelled the drug of the 1980s and 1990s because of its extensive popularity and use during that period. However, cocaine is not a new drug. In fact, it is one of the oldest known psychoactive substances.
Coca leaves, the source of cocaine, have been chewed and ingested for thousands of years, and the purified chemical, cocaine hydrochloride, has been an abused substance for more than 100 years.
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